Privacy Policy – Oscar News
Dear user of Oscar News websites and applications: Regarding your use of any of our applications or your contact with us via email, during which you provided us with personal data, we may share this data with you in order to serve you better. By providing your personal information through the Oscar News management websites, you are deemed to have given your prior consent for the storage, processing, and use of such information.
We do not aim to collect or process your sensitive data in any way unless journalistic necessity requires it, and in accordance with the following legal procedures: a contract entered into with us, and your prior consent to the processing.
Oscar News management reserves the full right to disclose any information to the relevant authorities and for legitimate purposes at any time if necessary.
Oscar News management reserves the full right to disclose any information to the relevant authorities and for legitimate purposes at any time if necessary.
The Oscar News website contains electronic links to websites or portals that use methods to protect information and privacy which differ from those we use. However, we do not accept any responsibility for their content or the privacy practices of other sites, and we advise you to review the privacy notices of those sites before interacting with any of their content, components, or advertisements.
Oscar News management does not assume any responsibility for incorrect data, and the data entered is considered correct.